February 3, 2025 Meeting Minutes

Steve Johns, President opened the meeting
December minutes approved
Police Report, Officer Wendy Martin
- One burglary and one theft from auto in last 28 days
- Burglary investigation still ongoing
- If you catch anything on your home cameras (suspicious activity or suspicious person)
- A safe was taken from the home - reminder to secure your safe
- Traffic request for slow down sign along Riverside
- Request for Traffic Blitz to enforce traffic laws - this item was taken to a vote and did not pass
LeBlond Report, Theresa Miller
- Mayor’s Career Fair, Saturday February 15th at TQL stadium
School Report, Spencer Resource Coordinator, Mt. Washington School Resource Coordinator, Riverview Resource Coordinator
Monna Beckford - Riverview East, Resource Coordinator
- Coat and clothing drive was a success!
- Mt. Carmel Baptist Church was a huge donator of coats and jackets for students
- Clothing donations accepting: looking for pants and shorts
- Started the after school tutoring program, more help is needed in the math department
- Accepting Food Pantry items for donation, contact Monna for more details
- Prom is April 11th
Karen Hordinski - Spencer Center
- Career day Friday December 13th 9:30 - 11am
- Looking for children’s clothes (XS - L) is needed for clothing donations
- Saturday February 8th is the Spencer Open House
- Looking for tutors for grades 3 - 8
- Health clinic available for all residents
- Melise May is interested in being the liaison for the schools
Treasurer Report, Kathy Schwab
- Kathy presented the 2024 Financial Recap
East End Area Council Financial Recap for 2024
1-1-24 Beginning
Checking $8,393.37
Savings $8,087.95
$7,375.00 NSP grant
$875.00 AIG grant
$944.34 Urban Agriculture Grant
$2,256.28 Keep Cincinnati BeautifulGrant
$500.00 Flying Pig - Volunteer grant
$2,500.00 Greater Cincinnati Foundation Grant for Tree Study
$45.27 Refund from Schulhoff
Total Income: $14,495.89
$2,296.68 Communication
$2,991.67 Beautification
$2,600.00 Community Engagement
$2,320.56 KCB Grant Expense
$942.99 Urban Agriculture grant expense
$500.00 Strader Memorial Park expense (see Accts Recv below)
$5,133.33 Spicer Park expense (see Accounts Recv below)
Total Expenses: $16,785.23
12-31-24 Ending
Checking $6,104.03
Savings $8,087.95
Total $14,191.98
Accounts Payable -$2,420.00 Urban Canopy - Tree study
Accounts Receivable $500.00 reimbursement due- Strader Memorial Garden Payable in 2025 $2,500.00 3East -Spicer Park
NSP Report, Regina Moss
NSP 24 report has been submitted to Invest In Neighborhoods. We will have to wait until that report is accepted until we can apply for 2025 NSP funds.
East End Business District
No report
Garden Committee
No report
President Report - Steve to add
- Scheduling Oasis Trail Presentation for March meeting
- Spicer Park, continue to see improvements
New Business:
- City of Cincinnati Liaison - Jane Sites. It was suggested that Barb Lichenstein might also be a good co-liaison
Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.