July 1st, 2024 Meeting Minutes


Steve Johns, President opened the meeting at 7pm and kicked off the meeting with questions of summer and 4th of July plans. Called for an approval of the June minutes. Kathy moved that they be approved and Joe 2 nd the motion. Minutes were unanimously approved.


Police Report:

  • Moving to a new system so report looks different than before, will be a few months
  • No violent crimes
  • One Breaking and Entering on Kellogg (UDF) 24 cartons of cigarettes were stolen, man was arrested
  • One theft on Wilmer, under investigation but there is a known suspect
  • Generator stolen on Kellogg from a business, still under investigation
  • CC information stolen
  • One theft from Auto Shop, suspects ran off once

LeBlond Report:

  • Teen night on Saturday night, 3-11pm with different vendors for nails, hair, barbers at Lincoln and Hirsh rec centers
  • CRC has cooling centers when temps become extreme (high 80s - 90s), no membership required, water and AC will be provided

School Report

  • No report from Principal Wolf
  • Superintendent meeting report from Kathy:
    • The Riverside East building will continue to operate as a school but the current students will be move
    • K-6 students will be coming from Spencer, a school that is ridden with asbestos and unsafe for the children
    • Riverside elementary students will be going to Mt. Washington School
    • Riverside will continue to operate for one year as the high school
    • This is being done as means to ease the projected budget shortfall
    • 70% of students attending Riverview East are coming from outside the East End


Treasurer Report – Kathy Schwab

  • Our 6/1/24 beginning Balance was $8885.23. We had 3 deposits (AIG Funds of $875; reimbursement from Urban Agriculture Grant of $944.34 and our Flying Pig earnings of $500).

    We had NSP expenses $2200 for the East End Community Day Picnic and $1107.34 for our website and domain support and USPS PO Box. Our monthly ending balance as of 7/1/24 was $15,985.52.


NSP Report – Regina Moss

  • Continue to use NSP funds, using for neighborhood clean-up, community event which used the NSP community engagement funds
  • Funds are remaining and have future plans for remains funds to be used for communications
  • Final report will be shown to ensure


Garden Committee – Michael Bolan

  • Michael shared we are working to get one of the fences built, hoping for next week
  • Next project will be to beautify the alley to connect all 4 gardens

President Report – Steve Johns

  • Riverside drive closure
  • WaterWorks line replacement:
    • Monica and Tim are concerned about the safety of the WaterWorks
    • Light at Audubon moves to flashing Steve will coordinate with Officer Barry
    • Late at night people are moving the barricades driving 60mph - will inform Officer Barry - kids are running in the roads thinking that it is closed
  • East End day on June 15 was a success
  • Spicer Park: Craig is helping move things along, next up will be clean-up then fencing.
  • Shipping container Arts & Crafts Market will be a space between Fulton Yards and Eli's on August 17th
  • $2,500 grant for tree planting plan at Schmidt Field which is part of a larger vision for Schmidt Park beautification
  • Traffic:
  • Steve has been meeting with HOAs on the West end of the East End near Montgomery Inn and putting forward request for new traffic calming improvements
  • Community Budget Requests:
    • We continued our summer discussion of items to be submitted as part of the East End CBR in September. Tanya and Kathy presented the redo of Schmidt Field, (new and additional picnic tables, grills that are rusted and unusable to be replaced; resurfacing the ground under the pay area which now sits in puddles when it rains).
    • Steve described adding signage at Delta underpass too inform trucks they need to go to Stanley to get to Columbia Parkway.
    • Both of these ideas were discussed with CRC and DOTE respectively. Kathy and Tanya will draft the Schmidt Park and Steve will draft the language for Delta signage.
      Joe made a motion to approve both of these items for submission to the City for the East End CBR. Craig seconded the motion. There was no more discussion or addition to the motion. It was approved unanimously with no obtentions.
  • There will be no meeting in August. Our next meeting will be on September 9th .
    • Motion to Approve by Tim and Seconded by Joe, unanimously approved
  • Joe, Terri, Jane have all volunteered to be our nominating committee for 2025.
    • Craig made a Motion to Approve all three. Kathy seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously.


Craig moved to close the meeting at 7:55. Joe seconded the motion.

Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.