June 3rd, 2024 Meeting Minutes


Steve Johns, President opened the meeting at 7pm and called for an approval of the April and May minutes. Both months minutes were unanimously approved


Police Report:

  • 4 thefts in last month
  • No violent crimes
  • Jack's auto - stolen auto gun tool but waiting to report to see if it is returned

LeBlond Report:

  • Pool is open!
  • 2024 Annual Membership Fees
    • Youth (0-17) $30
    • Adults (18-59) $45
    • Mature Adults (60+) $30
    • Family (3 or more up to 6 members)               $120
    • Daily User Fees: Youth (0-17) $2, Adults (18-59) $6, Mature Adults (60+) $4
  • Pool Hours: MWF 12 - 5pm, Tu/Th 12 - 7, Sat 1-6
  • Call front desk (513) 281-3717 for pricing, payment and hours

School Report:

  • no report

Guest Speakers - Brandon Knox from Onyx East Development

  • Onyx East, an Indianapolis based development company
  • Single family and townhouse developer
  • Current developments in Cincy: Everly in East Walnut Hills and May Square in Walnut Hills
  • Total of 27 lots in the East End: 7 lots on Strader, 20 lots on Watson/Wenner to make a
  • Single family homes, 3 story structure with first floor as garage
  • Intent is to be middle tier housing option that doesn’t exist in the area
  • Buildings will be LEED silver
  • Timing is dependent on the sale and approval of land but would hopefully be able to start in the fall
  • Will ideally do a spec home
  • Will be looking for a liason between Onyx and the community
  • Contact info: Brandon.knox@onyxandeast.com

Treasurer Report

  • The EEAC received our NSP 2024 check for $7,375.00. Our expenses were $2500 for Riverside cleanup; $114.39 for communications and $619.68 for Urban Agriculture expenses which will be reimbursed next month. The balance of funds in our account is $16,972.52.


NSP Report

  • Regina reported that our 2025 NSP funds will be increasing to $9980.


Garden Committee

  • Kathy reported that all funds have been used for both Urban Ag grant and Keep Cincinnati Beautiful grant. All of those expenses were submitted to the city and we should have reimbursement by June or early July.

President’s Report

  • East End Day, June 15th at Schmidt Field
  • Thanks to Kathy for filling the AIG reporting - $868
  • City Budget 2025 proposal to increase allocation to $9980 per neighborhood!
  • Mayor’s Zoning Proposal Connected Communities - Business District and ¼ mile within will be open to 4-families and no parking requirements - Council vote - June 4th @1:00 (committee) and June 5th at 2:00 (full council)
  • GCWW Water Line Replacement - June ?? - Supply chain issue on pipe - Metro 28 and 81 detours (timeframe)
  • Spicer Park Plans - replace fence and plantings along Babb Alley underway
  • Riverside Market - August 17th - from 10 AM - 3 PM
  • Meeting with City of Cincinnati Public Works
  • Planning for CBR
    • Schmidt Park Redo, (Turkey Ridge improvements in the news)
    • ADA pedestrian improvement at Delta RR underpass - DOTE
    • Riverside Drive - benches
  • Lunken Airport Committee: looking for a committee to monitor any changes proposed for the Airport


David moved to close the meeting at 8pm and Zach seconded it

Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.