June 5th, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – June 5th, 2023
The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 8:01 PM
- This meeting started in-person at Leblond at 7:00 PM prior to zoom attendees’ connection that occurred roughly 15 minutes later at 7:15 PM. The secretary could not take notes the first 15 minutes so the beginning part of these minutes are not recorded.
- The May Minutes were tabled to be reviewed and updated due to missing parking discussion, I think.
May Minutes?
- Somehow the minutes were rejected from last month's meeting however as the minute taker, people need to read the full minutes and not the snapshot on the website
Police Report, Officer Albert Brown
- There was no police report
Special Presentation by MSD: Deb Leonard, APR
MSD presented the proposed new location of an anaerobic digestion facility in the East End at Wilmer Avenue and Kellogg Avenue. This $170M project will kick off in January 2023 with design work. Construction anticipated to start in 2024 and run through 2028. MSD will meet with EEAC committee to keep the community updated.
Treasurers Report: Kathy Schwab
AIG Grant funds were received in the amount of $868 this month. There were 3 NSP expenses totaling $3,453.77 leaving a balance in both checking/savings accounts of $24,706.50.
Presidents Report: Craig Stanton
- No new update on the Oasis trail.
- Craig met with Richard Spicer, a resident of Setchell Avenue who has been promised a parcel from the city to honor his mother, however there is no legal record of this on either end. A compromise solution is an agreement with the EEAC will sign an agreement with the city to lease the lot and transfer that to Richard to maintain as the park. The city cannot have an agreement with an individual, the lease will dictate the terms of the agreement between Richard and the EEAC. The good news is no one is against this park.
- There was a lot of discussion around this park and how this lease works, trees on the lot, who will handle the maintenances of the lot location.
- The city parking in Babb Alley came up as to where the park is and where the parking is located, etc.
Vice President Report: Steve Johns
- We were notified by community members that there was a proposed variance request was received by EEAC residents adjacent to the former Todi Toys Building. The applicate requested set back, outdoor entertainment, limited parking, buffering, etc.
- There will be a public meeting held at noon on Wednesday June 7th @ the Centennial Plaza and virtually.
- The EEAC will be present to represent the following two requests: (1) outdoor entertainment limited to 10PM, and that (2) all employees to park off-site away from the residential area. To park further away on Delta by the ballfields, along with parking at the blue (gas station building) on Riverside next to the city maintenance building.
- There was a lot of discussion around this variance, the history of variance request. Kathy Schwab stated that most variance requests have the developer presentation to the community prior to requests.
- Some of the community stated they are opposing the variance without having the developer to appear in front of the council/community to answer questions.
- A motion was passed that the EEAC will not endorse any of the variance requests until the developer present the variance request to the community, as this is a process the EEAC has had in place for x-number of years.
NSP Report: Regina Moss
- Regina reported that Invest in Neighborhoods heard from the city that the overhead costs to NSP were higher than anticipated and our NSP for 2023 will more than likely be cut by a few hundred dollars.
Continued Parking Discussion:
- A discussion around parking came up and Kathy Schwab explained that the city had planned parking and they didn’t want to do the project. It came up that Babb Alley should be a one-way road and many other parking plans however the parking plan that got funded was voted on and approved.
- Craig clarified the parking was overwhelming approved on May 3, 2021.
- Someone added they want dog poop bags in the park.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:01.
Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.