March 4th, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Steve called the meeting to order at 7:30. He asked everyone to sign a card for Patrick Ormond who is scheduled for surgery soon.
Approval of minutes - Motion to approve: Joe Zimmerman
Seconded: Jane Sites
Officer Report:
- Officer Christine Barry will be replacing Officer Rice
- Officer Barry phone number 513-979-4483
- Part 1 Crime = 0
- Part 1 Property Crime = one stolen Kia, menacing, aggravated menacing, false alarm
Principal Wolf: Riverview East Academy
- Riverview East has been one of six CPS schools that will be phased out and repurposed
- K-6 enrollment has been steadily dropping but 7-12 has been strong
- Principal Wolf was informed in the January 20th AdHoc meeting
- Last meeting was on February 6th - for now they don't know anything and in the last meeting were told that no changes will happen to enrollment next year
- Staff moral has been impacted
- Board president has been a big supporter of Riverview
- East End Community is in support of the school, need clear understand of the plans so we can react and form a plan
- Communication from CPS is poor
- School was established to replace the YMCA, Library, and Public Health Clinic
- 70% of students are from other areas
- There are homes and people moving to the district but not enough of an influx of kids going to the school
LeBlond Report (CRC): Teresa
- Emily no longer w/CRC
- Taylor's position is not filled and with Emily leaving CRC short staffed
- EEAC board is committed to help spread the word about need for staffing
- LeBlond is also a therapy center so has a influx of activity and staffing is a major issue
- Lifeguards needed!
- Regina expressed desire for more community engagement (vs. non-East End Community use of services) but Teresa explained staffing is the biggest issue Treasurer’s Report: Kathy Schwab
- There was no financial activity during the month of February. The balance in both of our accounts is $16,308.29. However we will be spending the $1000 Urban Agriculture grant the garden received in April and the Keep Cincinnati Beautiful Grant no later than the end of April.
NSP Report: Regina Moss
- 2024 proposal will be submitted by Friday 3/8
Garden Committee: Kathy Schwab
- No report
President’s Report: Steve Johns
- Mayor’s Zoning Proposal - Business District and ¼ mile within will be open to 4-families and no parking requirements
- Community is concerned for what this means for actual residents and not aligned with current proposal
- Columbia Tusculum can’t want this type of housing either - Steve to reach out to their community leaders
- MSD tree removal at Carrel Street - Anaerobic Digester Project
- GCWW Water Line Replacement
- May 7th will begin the major line replacement - road will be shut down except for local traffic
- Metro will likely need to reroute
- Yellow busses will be able to go through
- Where will the construction truck go? Columbia PKWY?
- Grant from the City's Office of Environment & Sustainability? Old tree removal & replacement trees for Schmidt Field Area
- Asking for $5-$10k to plant new trees
- Carrie Hinde request for the trees next to the Rec Center that were hit and cut down be replaced
- Community approves grant application for new trees:
- Motioned by Joe, Seconded by
- Unanimous approval
- Signup for Flying Pig as a volunteer at our Delta water station and be eligible for $500 for the neighborhood!
- Secretary to add signup link to website
- Spicer Park Plans - Arborvitae trees will be planted to buffer the parking from the park. It will match the row of trees planted at the gateway garden to give it a uniform look. After that is done we will figure out the fence installation.
- Planning for CBR
- Big thank you to Corey Buck who picked up trash from Corbin St. to Setchell St.
Action items
New Business
- Grass Volleyball co-ed league beginning Wednesday March 27th - May 15th at 6pm,, can sign up with a team of 4 or as a ‘free agent’ solo player. Cost is $54
- Invitation to Fulton Yards to discuss noise at April meeting - Approved by community
- Joe, Freddie and Zack all raised the issue of one delivery truck to Eli’s doing possible damage to the newly installed pavers.
At our April meeting please come prepared to discuss the CBA (Capital Benefits Application)
projects for the East End.
Zach made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 it was seconded by Joe.
Submitted by Anna Schmidt, Secretary EEAC
Visit: our website at for more information.