November 6th, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Steve Johns filling in for Craig Stanton who was out working at the election polls at 7:03 PM.
The minutes from last month were approved.
Speaker Dominica Brantley from Cincinnati Public Schools: College Career & Community Resource Center
Working with students transitioning out high school into college, military or trade school and helping support them along the process. For mor information contact:
Police Report, Officer Rice
Assault and car stolen on Riverside Dr., breaking and entering, assault with a unknown suspect, car stolen and returned with no suspects, and telecommunication fraud.
Riverside Academy Report, Rebecca Wolf
- The school now has a digital order form for our families who are in need of food
- Annual Community Thanksgiving Wed 15th (6:30 – 8:00)
- After school program has started
- Basketball starts November 1st
- Everything is going smooth as we head into the holidays
- School is closed tomorrow for election day
- GAI and the Sand Foundation donated toys and gifts
- We feel the love the of the community during the holidays, Thank you!
LeBlond CRC Report, Theresa
- Toy Drive: December 16 th , asking for donation for toys (4-12 years of age)
- CRC is doing a fundraiser/share-a-thone (no date yet)
- Recently there were some (catalytic converter) thefts in the parking lot at LeBlond
President Report, (Steve Johns stepped in for Craig)
- Thanksgiving Meal will be at Mt Carmel Baptist Church
- Construction going on along Riverside Drive (by Collins Avenue) see website for more info.
- We will have an update from Duke on the progress they are making in December
Financial Report, Kathy Schwab
- Progress and clean up was made in the area, Kathy presented a PPT of images with before and after, showing improvements
The treasure report was accepted and approved.
NSP Report, Regina Moss
- Details for the NSP will be reported and submitted on (Jan 18th)
Garden Report, Kathy Schwab
- Pavers in the alley and soil in the beds
- The Strader garden has bed’s open next year for anyone interested
- Looking to have signage and separation between the gardens and parking, possibly the KCB grant could fund this
New Business: (Steve Johns)
- Public parking is being installed on Babb Ally, the city wants to included pay meters (for 90 minute – 2-hour restriction). There was discussion with the community about how effective this will be, thinking that people will park in the neighborhood instead of using the paid parking.
Steve recommends the EEAC will not support the paid parking because of this issue.
- Kathy mentioned, not sure what leverage we have with the city on this issue but that designated neighborhood parking should be identified if the pay
Variance Appeal:
- The variance appeal made by Joe Zimmerman on the Todi Toy building was not approved by the city board, it was noted that no amplified music was part of this hearing.
- For those who have concerns about karaoke noise from Fulton Yards you can email:
Asking for nominating and volunteers for the 2024 election at the next Meeting!
- Currently those running for next year’s EEAC board are as follows:
Steve Johns, President
Zack Davidson Vice President
Treasurer, Kathy Schmitz
Secretary, Anna Schmidt
NSP, Regina Moss
- This list was approved unanimously by those in-person at LeBlond meeting
- Those on the zoom call noted that it was very difficult to hear the communications from LeBlond because of acoustics and overtalking.
Motion to adjourned at 7:55PM
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